The Salvation Army participates in the Bermuda Remembrance Day Service

Posted on 16th November 2018, by shawna goulding
remembrance day parade bermuda
The Salvation Army was a significant part of the 2018 Remembrance Day Service in Hamilton, Bermuda on Sunday, November 11th. With a bright sun after a night of rain, Bermuda remembered their sons and daughters who died, giving of themselves in two world wars, so that we today could have the freedoms we have. The  […]

Salvation Army Recovery Relay

Posted on 18th October 2018, by shawna goulding
people at rec walk
September is Recovery Month and on September 24th, The Salvation Army Harbour Light of Bermuda sponsored a walk around town saluting those in recovery and to increase knowledge and awareness about substance-use disorders, and the power of recovery. The walk takes about two hours, from Front Street to the CHUBB International Building; and ending at  […]